Join Julia Laughlin as we discover the basics of fruit tree care. We will explore pruning trees to achieve optimum yields and cover simple steps to controlling pests and managing fertility using organic methods.
$30 for non-members, $15 for members.
Julia Laughlin holds a BS (1984) and an MS (1986) in Horticulture from Oklahoma State University. She was an honor roll student and named Outstanding Undergraduate during this time. From 1987 to 1992, Julia was the Urban Integrated Pest Management Agent for the Oklahoma County Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service. Julia was on Faculty at OSU-OKC beginning in 1992 and taught classes in many areas of her field. She became Department Head of Horticulture in 1999 and was awarded the “L.E. ‘Dean’ Stringer Award for Teaching Excellence” in 2006 by the OSU A and M Regents. She was an All-American Selections trial judge for vegetable varieties for 20 years and judged at the trial gardens on the grounds of the JEK Horticulture Center. Julia retired as Associate Professor from OSU-OKC in January of 2015. She currently owns and operates “Bella Verde Gardens,” a small, naturally grown, fruit, vegetable and specialized perennial business in Choctaw, Oklahoma. She also manages a similar business, “Prairie Earth Gardens,” in eastern OKC. She has lead many international conservation and garden study tours and will lead a group to see the gardens of Italy in May of 2018. Julia is also currently the host of “The Garden Party” radio talk show on KTOK 1000 am radio on Saturday mornings. Julia was named outstanding Alumna of OSU in 2013 and the Oklahoma Nursery and Landscape Association “Green Industry Professional” in 2016.