The class runs from 2-4pm with an one hour hands on "Work Party" from 4-5pm.
Explore with us, the many functions of plants in our gardens, whether they provide us with food, fuel, fiber, medicine, nutrients, forage for livestock, homes for garden allies, or are just plain fun to grow! We'll go over plants that grow well in this area and explore ways to combine them according to gardener's ease, manageability, aesthetics, as well as ecological function.
This is a great class to take to expand your palate of plants for your future gardens. Bring any satellite maps you have of your project site as well as current plant lists, favorite seed and plant catalogs, and/or snipped photos or pinterest board of what appeals to you aesthetically.
The class will be a mix of slideshow, handouts, small group work, and
real life design.
$30 for non-members, $15 for members.
Kelda Lorax has studied permaculture since 1996, interned at the Bullock's Permaculture Homestead and has had various advanced trainings in related topics for years. Her college focus was in Sustainable Communities. She has served as a leader in permaculture networking and events, including co-teaching many Permaculture Design Courses, in the Northwest area of the U.S. She currently lives in Oklahoma where she's restored family acreage into Stardust Market Garden and eventual food forest. She also sits on the City Council, manages a Farmers Market, and is on the board of the local environmental justice non-profit.