Join us at SixTwelve, Friday, November 30th from 6-8pm for a celebration of how far we’ve come with our Community Kitchen install, our annual sweet potato pie sale (made from sweet potatoes that the Young School PreK at 612 harvested out of our garden) and an honoring of Scotty Irani of In the Kitchen with Scotty. Chef Scotty is a local chef (and a bit of a culinary celebrity on Freedom 43 - Tuesday mornings) who has supported SixTwelve from the beginning! Scotty helped get our annual Sweet Potato Pie Sale and Cake Walk Bake Off started three years ago (raising money for our teaching/community kitchen), participated in programming and was even one of our Mardi Gras kings two years ago! He writes for Edible OKC and Oklahoma Magazine and supports so many local organizations with his gifts that we consider him a treasure!
Please come celebrate the holidays with us, buy a pie for a family or holiday event, check out the newly installed kitchen where we’ll be holding cooking classes and help us say thank you to Scotty for all that he has done for SixTwelve!
If you’re a chef, a baker, or a cook that would like to contribute to our pie sale by baking a pie, we’ll provide the sweet potatoes. All you have to do is sign up in the form below! We’d be so grateful! All pies must be delivered Thursday, November 29th or Friday, November 30th, but you can make an appointment to pick up enough sweet potatoes for as many pies as you’re willing to bake the week before (November 20-24). Thank you!